Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Adjustment layer Image adjustment placed on a layer above the background layer.
Ambient Available or existing light.
Analyse To examine in detail.
Aperture Lens opening controlling intensity of light entering camera.
Aspect ratio The ratio of height to width.
Auto focus Automatic focusing system.
Available Ambient or existing light.

Background Area behind main subject matter.
Backlight Light source directed at the subject from behind.
Backlit A subject illuminated from behind.
Balance A harmonious relationship between elements within the frame.
Banding Visible steps of tone or color in the fi nal image due to a lack of
tonal information in a digital image fi le.
Bit Short for binary digit, the basic unit of the binary language.
Bit depth Number of bits (memory) assigned to recording color or tonal
Blend mode The formula used for defi ning the mixing of a layer with those
beneath it.
Blurred Unsharp image, caused by inaccurate focus, shallow depth
of fi eld, slow shutter speed, camera vibration or subject
Body copy Written word, main content of advertisement.
Bounce Refl ected light.
Bracketing Overexposure and underexposure either side of MIE.
Brightness value The value assigned to a pixel to defi ne the relative lightness of
a pixel.
Byte Eight bits. Standard unit of data storage containing a value
between 0 and 255.

Cable release Device to release shutter, reduces camera vibration.
Camera Image capturing device.
Camera RAW Unprocessed image data from a camera’s image sensor.
Camera shake Blurred image caused by camera vibration during exposure.
CCD Charge coupled device. A solid state sensor used in digital
image capture.
Channel A division of color or luminance data.
Cloning Tool A tool used for replicating pixels.
Close down Decrease in aperture size.

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