Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

essential skills: digital photography in available light

extreme 103–4
light 101
panoramas 165–6
post-production editing 128, 132
Copy, photo-essays 216
Correct exposure 38–9
Creative controls 79–92
camera RAW 27
design considerations 193
Curves 75

Data distribution 62
Daylight 95
Decisive moment 72
Dedicated fl ash units 117
Depth of fi eld 82–3, 164
environmental portraits 195
framing the image 76
landscape 183
panoramas 163
shutter speeds 89
Design techniques 77, 193
Diagonal lines 75
Diffusion of fl ash 120
comparison with DLSR cameras 8–18
prosumer cameras 5–7
Digital and analogue cameras comparison 5
Digital asset management 20
Digital cameras 1–18
Digital manipulation 215
Digital negatives 54
Digital shutter 42
Digital single lens refl ex see DLSR
Direction of light 100
Direction of subject 199
Distance see depth of fi eld
Distribution, photo-essays 216
Documentary 177
Dodge & burn 129, 137
Dominant tones 47
Double exposures 124
DSLR (digital single lens refl ex) cameras
digicam comparison 8–18
resolution 3
sensor size 8
speed 4
weight 7

Duration of exposure 40–3
Dust 132
Dynamic range sensors 12

Early light 100
Edges of panoramas 167
images 30
post production 127–52
sequential 130–9
story 214
Electronic viewfi nder see EVF
Elements, color space 61
Emerson, Peter Henry 175
Environmental portraits 191–202
Equipment familiarity 80
Establishing image 209
Ethics 215
Evans, Walker 177
EVF (electronic viewfi nder)
cameras 6, 14
manual focus 17
resolution 16
Expose right concept 63
Exposure 37–52
compensation 105–7
double 124
duration 85–8
landscape 186
long 10
multiple 63
panoramas 162–3
TTL modes 44–5
landscapes 180–4
subject 199
Extended shutter speeds 88
Extreme contrast 103–4

F-number and aperture 41
F-stops 40
F64 176
connection with subject 198
equipment 80
Farm Security Administration (FSA) 177, 205
Fast shutter speeds 85
Feininger, Andreas 184
Figure and ground 69
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