Manual of Clinical Nutrition

(Brent) #1

Nutrition Management of Food Hypersensitivities

Manual of Clinical Nutrition Management H- 18 Copyright © 2013 Compass Group, Inc.

 Lactate solids

protein flour, non-dairy products

 Lactose
 Lactulose
Note: The designation “pareve” on food labels indicates that the product does not contain milk.

Peanut-Free Diet
Ingredients to avoid:
 Artificial nuts  Nuts; flavored nuts, nutmeat, pieces
 Beer nuts  Peanuts
 Cold pressed or extruded peanut oil  Peanut butter; peanut butter chips
 Ground nuts  Peanut flour
 Mandelonas  Peanut syrup
 Mixed nuts  Foods may have peanut protein
presence: baked goods, candy (including
chocolate, egg rolls, chili, enchilada
sauce, flavoring, marzipan, nougat
Soy-Free Diet
Ingredients to avoid:
 Eda-Mame (soybeans in pods)  Soy milk; soybean milk
 Hydrolyzed soy protein  Soy nuts
 Kinnoko flour  Soy protein; soy protein isolate
 Kyodofu (freeze-dried tofu)  Soy sauce
 Miso; soy miso  Soy sprouts
 Modified food starch  Soybean granules
 Natta  Supro
 Okara (soy pulp)  Tamari
 Shoyu sauce  Tempeh
 Soy albumin  Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)
 Soy concentrate  Tofu
 Soy flour; soybean flour  Yakidofu

Wheat-Free Diet
Ingredients to avoid:
 All-purpose flour, enriched flour  Noodles
 Bran  Pasta
 Bread; bread crumbs  Pastry flour
 Bulgur  Semolina
 Cake flour  Spelt
 Cereal extract  Soy Sauce
 Couscous  Starch
 Crackers; cracker meal  Surumi
 Durum; durum flour; durum wheat  Wheat; wheat bran; wheat flour
 Farina  Wheat germ
 Flour, wheat, bran, graham  Wheat gluten
 Food starch  Wheat malt
 Gluten; high-gluten flour  Wheat starch
 Graham flour  Whole-wheat berries
 Malt; malt extract
Note: Alternatives to wheat flour include rice flour, potato flour, rye flour, oat flour, barley flour, and
buckwheat flour. See Gluten-Restricted, Gliadin-Free Diet earlier in this section for flour substitution

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