Manual of Clinical Nutrition

(Brent) #1

Body Weight Evaluation

Manual of Clinical Nutrition Management II- 2 Copyright © 2013 Compass Group, Inc.

Table II-1: Weight Loss as an Indicator of Malnutrition(1,2)
Time Significant Weight Loss (%) Severe Weight Loss (%)
1 week 1 to 2 > 2
1 month 5 >5
3 months 7.5 >7.5
6 months 10 >10

Table II-2: Body Mass as an Indicator of Lower than Recommended Weight Levels (4)
Lower than Recommended
Weight Levels

Body Mass Index
(kg/m^2 )
Adult < 18.5
Older Adults (> 65 years) < 23

Table II-3: Evaluation of Weight Loss in Adult Malnutrition (Undernutrition)(3)
Frame Size Females Males
Allow 100 lb for first 5 ft of height
plus 5 lb for each additional inch.
Subtract 2.5 lb for each inch less
than 5 ft.
Allow 106 lb for first 5 ft of height
plus 6 lb for each additional inch.
Subtract 2.5 lb for each inch under
5 ft.
Small Subtract 10% Subtract 10%
Large Add 10% Add 10%
Table II-4: Indicatorsa of the Nutrition Diagnosis of Malnutrition(4)
Nutrition Diagnosis Etiologies (Causes) Nutrition Assessment Indicators
Malnutrition (NI-5.2)
Inadequate intake of
protein and/or
energy over
prolonged periods of
time resulting in loss
of fat stores and/or
muscle wasting
Physiological causes
Lack of food or
limited access to
Food and nutrition-
related knowledge
deficit concerning
the amount of
energy and protein
Psychological (eg,
depression, eating

 Anthropometric:
BMI < 18.5 kg/m^2 adults (< 23 kg/m^2 for adults 65 years
and older)
Inadequate maternal weight gain
BMI < 5th percentile in children
Weight loss (> 1 to 2 % in 1 week, > 5% in 1 month,
>7.5% in 3 months, >10% in 6 months) (3)
Underweight with muscle wasting

Nutrition-focused physical findings:
Uncomplicated malnutrition: thin, wasted appearance;
severe muscle wasting; decreased blood pressure, body
temperature, and heart rate; changes in hair and nails,
thin/sparse hair
Disease/trauma-related malnutrition: thin to normal
appearance with peripheral edema, ascites, or
anasarca; edema of lower extremities; some muscle
wasting with retention of some body fat;
dyspigmentation of hair and skin

Food/nutrition and client history:
Delayed wound healing
Intake analysis less than energy/protein requirements
Excessive consumption of alcohol or other substances
preventing adequate energy/protein intake
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