Manual of Clinical Nutrition

(Brent) #1
Body Weight Evaluation

Manual of Clinical Nutrition Management II- 3 Copyright © 2013 Compass Group, Inc.

Nutrition Diagnosis Etiologies (Causes) Nutrition Assessment Indicators

Inadequate protein-
energy intake (NI-
Inadequate intake of
protein and/or
energy compared to
established reference
standards or
based on
physiological needs
of short or recent

Same as malnutrition
Normal albumin (in the setting of normal liver function
despite decreased protein-energy intake)

Inadequate maternal weight gain
Weight loss of 7.5% during past 3 months, > 5% in one
month, 1 to 2 % in one week in adults, any weight loss
or failure to gain weight in children.

Nutrition-focused physical finding:
Slow or delayed wound healing

Food/nutrition and client history:
Intake analysis less than estimated or measured energy
Restriction or omission of food groups such as dairy or
meat groups (protein) or bread or milk group (energy)
Nutrient malabsorption (eg, bariatric surgery)
a Two or more indicators must be present to determine a nutrition diagnosis of malnutrition (3).

Adapted from: International Dietetics & Nutrition Terminology (IDNT) Reference Manual. 4th ed. Chicago, Ill: Academy of Nutrition and
Dietetics; 2012.

Table II-5: ICD- 9 - CM Codes For Nutrition-Related Disorders
ICD- 9 - CM
Code Number

Diagnosisa Criteriab

260.0 Kwashiorkor Nutritional edema with dyspigmentation of skin and
261.0 Nutritional marasmus Nutritional atrophy; severe, chronic calorie deficiency;
severe malnutrition
262.0 Other severe protein-energy

Nutritional edema without mention of
dyspigmentation of skin and hair
263.0 Protein-energy malnutrition
of moderate degree

Refer to Tables II: 1-3 for nutritional indicators of
263.1 Protein-energy malnutrition
of mild degree

Refer to Tables II: 1-3 for nutritional indicators of
263.8 Other protein-calorie

Criteria is not available. Refer to Tables II: 1-3 for
nutritional indicators of malnutrition.
263.9 Unspecified protein-calorie
malnutrition, calorie

A disorder caused by a lack of proper nutrition or an
inability to absorb nutrients from food
An imbalanced nutritional status caused by
insufficient intake of nutrients to meet normal
physiological requirements
579.3 Other and unspecified
postsurgical nonabsorption

Hypoglycemia or malnutrition following
gastrointestinal surgery
783.2 Abnormal loss of weight and

BMI <18.5 kg/m^2 (<23 kg/m^2 in older adults 65+
years)(5); also refer t Table II:1
783.21 and/or

Loss of weight BMI <18.5 kg/m^2 ; also refer to Table II: 1

783.22 and/or

Underweight BMI <18.5 kg/m^2

aMalnourished individuals may meet criteria for these billable ICD- 9 - CM codes.
b The 10th revision (ICD-10) of the codes is scheduled for implementation in 2013 and will change some of the definitions as shown in the
Table II-5. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) have
proposed new malnutrition codes to the National Center for Health and Vital Statistics for inclusion. At this time acute-phase hepatic

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