Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1
Chapter 9:

Special Reports Equal More Money

Marketing Resource #99: Create Special Reports and give them away
to draw prospects to your website and capture their contact information.
This increases exposure, builds trust, and grows your leads list.

Tap Into the Power
When you hear the phrase “special report,” what comes to mind?
Do you think that it is a report so special and so in depth that it can only
be written by a college professor or a published author? Do you cross it
off your list because you don’t think of yourself as having the authority
or the ability to write a special report? If up to this point you have
totally discounted using special reports, ask yourself why. Then take a
minute to explore the many reasons why you should tap into the power
of this simple marketing tool.
Let’s say you are trying to attract a new buyer for your home and
yet you are not getting as many eyes on your property as you would like.
Consider this solution.

Simple Method
Create a report that answers the top ten questions that all buyers
have. If you are not sure exactly what those questions might be, call a
couple of real estate agents and ask them.

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