Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

Create Momentum
There is much to be said for momentum, and that’s why it’s
important to begin implementing your strategies as soon as you can.
Marketing is like the proverbial snowball. It may take a little huffing
and puffing for you to get that snowball to the brow of the hill, but once
it starts down the other side—look out! Not only will it move faster and
faster, it will grow as well.
These ideas and strategies are designed to provide you with the
knowledge of where to market along with action plans to help you
implement them.

Create Your Marketing Funnel
Before we get into the broader subject of marketing, I want to
cover one crucial issue. Regarding your online presence, it is imperative
that you have more than one Squeeze Page to act as your marketing
funnel. This is how to attract different prospects to your business. Let’s
look closer as to why multiple Squeeze Pages are so important.
I think you will agree that buyers’ needs are different from the
needs of sellers, and that investors have different needs than buyers and
For instance, when someone is trying to sell a house, they are not
looking for information on the best way to get financing. A potential
home seller wants to know the quickest and easiest way to move that
house. A similar principle applies to buyers; they have their own

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