Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

particular set of needs. Buyers want to know about all the different
financing options that are available to them. Obviously, they don’t need
to learn about the “Seven Steps to Selling Your Home.”
Investors have a totally different mindset. They want to learn
about ways to get discounts on properties and they want to know who
can supply them with choice deals. Unlike the general buyers and
sellers, investors are most always repeat customers. They will be doing
a high volume of business on an ongoing basis. You want to offer them
exactly what they are looking for.
This concept is very easy to understand and actually pretty easy
to implement; however, so many investors try to make “one size fit all.”
They try to fit everyone’s needs into one website with the thought that
this will save money. In truth they lose money by not targeting Squeeze
Pages to the proper audiences.
It’s a fact that many real estate investors aren’t up with the latest
technology. Technology is just usually not their forte. The truth is, one
doesn’t necessarily have to be a computer geek to tap into the resources
available. It is relatively simple to create multiple squeeze pages. It
comes with an awareness of how important this step is in the
development of your key marketing strategies. This can happen with a
couple clicks of a mouse and for less than a cup of coffee a day. (See
Chapter 5 for more information about Squeeze Pages, which are simple
online pages whose only objective is to “squeeze” names and E-mail
addresses from potential prospects in exchange for more information.)

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