Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1
Author Notes

  • Do you want more buyers for your real estate deals?

  • Do you want to get more money to do more deals?

  • Do you want to get that money without having to qualify?

  • Do you want to be able to work less and make more money?

Throughout this book, you are going to be handed some of the
simplest and most powerful ways to gain instant credibility. You will
learn how to acquire more clients in minutes, not days, and you will
learn how to accomplish these marketing strategies using little or none
of your own cash.
The goal with this book is to give you insight into the truth about
marketing. Simply put, it’s all about perception and not about who you
are or where you are at the time of marketing. Obviously, you will offer
fair properties backed up with your personal morals and set of values.
You will be a businessperson of integrity whose word can be counted on
and trusted. Ideally, these foundational basics should go without saying
and should apply to all business endeavors.
With regard to the real estate investment industry, I know that
there are many great and talented people involved in this business
wondering how they’re going to eat today. Their businesses have hit the
skids! Why? Because they have yet to grasp the fact that first and
foremost, they are marketers.
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