Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1


148 gods and goddesses

The major deities of Egypt are provided with individual
entries because of the complex roles, cultic ramifications,
and titular designations associated with their worship. The
major deities of Egypt are:
AAa companion of the heart of the god Ré.
A’AHa moon deity associated with Osiris.
A’A NEFERthe sacred bull of Hermonthis, associated with
AIONa Greek-introduced personification of time.
AKERa lion deity associated with mortuary rituals.
AMAUNETthe consort of the god Amun in the Ogdoad.
AMEMAITa mortuary creature that devoured the unworthy
AMI-UTa canine god of death, associated with Osiris.
AMUNthe Theban deity who assumed national dominance,
associated with Ré.
ANATHa Canaanite goddess of love and war.
ANDJETIa shepherd deity associated with Osiris.
ANHURa solar deity of the Nile Valley.
ANIa moon deity, aformof Khons.

Heh, the god of eternity

ANTIan ancient war god of Egypt.
ANUBISa deity of the dead, associated with Osiris.
ANUKISthe goddess of the first cataract of the Nile.
APEDEMAKa Nubian lion deity worshiped in Egypt.
APISthe sacred bull of the Ptah-Sokar-Osiris cult.
APOPHIS(1)the serpent enemy of the god Ré.
ARSENUPHISthe “Good Companion” from Nubia.
ASTARTEa Syrian war goddess adopted in the New King-
dom era in Egypt.
ASTENa patron of wisdom and a companion of the god
ATENa solar deity, the solar disk.
ATUMa deity of creation.

Horus, the great deity of Egypt

BA’EB DJETthe sacred ram of Mendes.
BAIN-A’ABTIUthe deities of souls transformed into baboons
at dawn.
BAITthe consort of Ba.
BASTET the feline patroness of the arts and pregnant
BATA(1)anancient bull deity.
BESthe dwarf patron of women, childbirth, and war.
BESETthe consort of Bes.
BUCHISthe sacred bull representing the deity Montu.
DEDUNthe patron of Nubia, adopted by Egypt.
DOUAOthe patron of diseases of the eye.
DUAMUTEFa son of Horus, patron of canopic jars.
ERNUTETa patroness of the Faiyum area.
ESYEa deity of wisdom, associated with the god Thoth.
FORTY-TWO JUDGESthe patrons of the Judgment Halls of
GEBan earth deity, husband of Nut.
HAa fertility deity, patron of deserts.
HAPI(1)the Nile god.

HAPI(2)a son of Horus, patron of the canopic jars.
HARSAPHESthe creator ram deity.
HARSOMTUSa divine being from the union of Hathor and
HATHORa solar goddess, patroness of the sky and a popu-
lar deity.
HAT-MEHITthe patroness of Mendes.
HEHthe god of eternity, consort of Hauket.
HEKETthe frog-headed goddess, consort of Hek.
HEMETCHthe serpent demon of the Tuat, or Underworld.
HENEBan ancient deity of argiculture.
HEPTETa protectoress associated with Osiris.
HETEPHAKEFan ancient deity of Memphis.
HORUSa major solar deity, assuming many roles.
HRAF-HEFthe divine ferryman of the dead.
HUa Heliopolis god of taste.
HUDETa divine, winged form of the god Ré.
IMSETYa son of Horus, guardian of the canopic jars.
INUETa consort of the god Montu.
ISISthe mother of the gods, consort of Osiris, mother of
IUSASa consort of the god Tem.
KAMUTEFa creator deity associated with Amun.
KEBAWETan ancient goddess of eternal paradises.
KHAFTET-HIR-NEBESa protector goddess of Thebes.
KHATRUthe mongoose deity (ICHNEUMON).
KHENTIAMENTIU an early funerary deity, obscured by
KHEPERa solar deity, the form of the sun at dawn.
KHNUMa creator deity called the “Molder,” patron of Ele-
phantine Island.

Renditions of the god Sobek and other deities attending
the pharaoh shown in the center, as carved onto a
temple wall.(Courtesy Steve Beikirch.)
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