Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1
gods and goddesses 149

KHONSthe moon deity of the Theban triad, patron of
MA’AHESa lion god, probably originating in Nubia.
MA’ATthe goddess of cosmic awareness and order, associ-
ated with Osiris.
MAFDETa feline goddess associated with solar cults.
MANDULISa Nubian deity honored in Egypt.
MATITa lion goddess associated with the god Ré.
MAUa symbol of Bast, associated with the Persea Tree.
MAU-TAUIa mortuary deity who aided Osiris.
MEHENthe serpent associated with the divine bark of Ré.
MEHURTa celestial cow deity associated with the waters of
MENYUa warrior bull god called the Lord of the Desert.
MERESGERa cobra goddess of the necropolis of Thebes, the
Lover of Silence.

The Dendereh temple of the goddess Hathor

MESKHENT the goddess of childbirth, associated with
MINa fertility deity, patron of desert travels and crop har-
MNEVISa bull god of Heliopolis.
MONTUa war deity, represented by the Buchis bull.
MUTthe patroness of the pharaohs.
NEBERTCHERa divine personification of the god Ré.
NEBETU’Ua form of Hathor, worshiped in Esna.
NEFER-HORa form of the god Ptah at Memphis.
NEHAH-RÉa serpent associated with the solar cults.
NEHEM-AWITa divine form of Hathor.
NEHESa divine formof Ré.
NEITHa patroness of the Delta and a war goddess.
NEKHEBETa vulture goddess, patroness of Upper Egypt.
NEPERa grain god associated with harvests.
NEPHTHYSthe patroness of the dead, consort of Set and
mother of Anubis.
NESERa fish deity.
NUNthe deity of chaos and the primordial age.
NUTthe goddess of the heavens and consort of Geb.
OSIRISthe beloved patron of Egypt and judge of the dead.
PAKHETa lioness deity, patroness of the living and the
PARa form of the god Amun, an agricultural deity.
PNEB-TAWYa deity of Kom Ombo, called the Lord of the
Two Lands.
PTAHthe cosmogonic creator deity of all eras.
QEBEHSENNUFa divine son of the god Horus, and guardian
of the canopic jars.
QEBHETthe personification of cool water, associated with
QEBHUIthe god of the north wind.
RÉmajor solar deity of Egypt.
RENENETa goddess of good fortune.
RENPETa goddess of the calendrical year.
REPYTa lioness goddess of Egypt.
RETan ancient solar goddess of Heliopolis.
SATETthe patroness of the Nile and a goddess of Elephan-
tine Island.

SEFER-Ta winged lion associated with the Pyramid Texts.
SEKHMETa lioness goddess of war and consort of Ptah.
SELKETa scorpion goddess associated with Isis.
SEPTa deity of the twentieth nome and associated with
SHAIa goddess of fate.
SHESHATa patroness of learning and records.
SHESMETETa lioness goddess, a form of Bastet.
SHUa deity of the air, associated with Atum.
SOBEKa crocodile deity of the Faiyum area.
SOKARa deity of the Memphite necropolis.
SOKNOKNONNEUSa Greek deity introduced in the Ptole-
maic Period.
SUTEKHa canine god associated with Set.
TAITa goddess of linen, associated with Akhmin.
TASENETNOFRETa goddess of Kom Ombo, called the Good
TATENENan earth god, called the Risen Land.
TAWARETthe hippopotamus goddess, patroness of child-
TCHESERTEPa serpent demon who threatens the dead.
TEFNUTthe consort of Shu, a goddess representing rain,
dew, and moisture.
TEMa solar deity of the setting sun.
THOTHthe ancient god of learning and wisdom.
TJET the god of Busiris and Mendes, associated with
TYPHONEAN ANIMALa formof the god Set.
UNUthe hare deity of Egypt.
WAa companion of the Divine Heart of Ré.
WADJETthe cobra patroness of Lower Egypt, associated
with Isis.
WENUTthe rabbit goddess of Thebes.
WEPWAWETthe wolf god, associated with Anubis.
WERETthe deity of the sky, associated with Thoth and

A procession of divine beings welcoming a royal
deceased (the central figure) into paradise, on a temple
wall at Abydos.(Courtesy Steve Beikirch.)
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