Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

at an area between the fourth and fifth cataracts. He left a
STELAat KURGUSto commemorate his victories.

Iymery (Iumeri)(fl. 24th century B.C.E.)Royal scribe
and mortuary official of the Fifth Dynasty
He served NIUSERRÉ(Izi) (r. 2416–2392 B.C.E.) as a royal
SCRIBEin the archives of the court. Iymery rose through
the ranks of the court and became a steward of royal
lands. He ended his career as a prophet of the mortuary

The Great Pyramid at Giza—Khufu’s monument

in GIZA. Iymery’s tomb at Giza contained elaborate reliefs
and paintings of processions, banquets, agricultural
scenes, and various industries.

Izezi (Djedkaré)(d. 2356 B.C.E.) Eighth ruler of the
Fifth Dynasty
He reigned from 2388 B.C.E. until his death. He adopted
the god RÉas his patron and honored the sage PTAH-

HOTEP (2). Izezi exploited Egypt’s natural resources,
using the quarries and mines at WADI HAMMAMATand
the SINAI. His name was also inscribed at WADI MAGHARA
and WADI HALFA, and he is listed in the TURIN CANON.
Izezi mined at ABU SIMBELas well and sent trade expedi-
tions to BYBLOSand PUNT. A royal son, RE’EMKUY, was the
designated heir but died before he could assume the
Izezi ruled for more than 30 years and celebrated his
HEB-SED.During his reign, the viziers and nobles became
powerful. Izezi was buried in a pyramid with a mortuary
temple at southern SAQQARA, and his queens were
interred nearby. His tomb has fine reliefs and a black
basalt SARCOPHAGUS, demolished by thieves.


186 Iymery
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