Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

QUEENS OF EGYPT (continued)

Mentjuhotep consort of Ta’o I
Ah’hotep (1) consort of Ta’o II, mother of KAMOSEand ’AHMOSE
’Ahmose-In-Hapi consort of Ta’o II
Henutempet consort of Ta’o II
’Ahmose-Nefertari possible consort of Kamose

Eighteenth Dynasty

’Ahmose-Nefertari consort of ’AHMOSE, mother of AMENHOTEP I
’Ahmose-In-Hapi consort of ’Ahmose
Thent Hep consort of ’Ahmose
Ah’hotep (2) consort of Amenhotep I
’Ahmose-Merytamon consort of Amenhotep I
Satkamose consort of Amenhotep I
Senisonbe mother of TUTHMOSIS I
’Ahmose (1) consort of Tuthmosis I, mother of HATSHEPSUT
Mutnofret (1) consort of Tuthmosis I, mother of TUTHMOSIS II
Hatshepsut consort of Tuthmosis II
Iset (1) consort of Tuthmosis II, mother of TUTHMOSIS III
Meryt-Ré-Hatshepsut consort of Tuthmosis III, mother of AMENHOTEP II
Sitiah consort of Tuthmosis III
Neferu-Ré possible consort of Tuthmosis III
Menhet consort of Tuthmosis III
Meryt-Amun consort of Tuthmosis III
Nebetu’u (2) consort of Tuthmosis III
A’ahset consort of Tuthmosis III
Sitamon consort of Amenhotep II
Teo consort of Amenhotep II, mother of TUTHMOSIS IV
Meryt-Amun consort of Amenhotep II
Mutemwiya consort of Tuthmosis IV, mother of AMENHOTEP III
Tiye (1) consort of Amenhotep III, mother of AKHENATEN
Gilukipa consort of Amenhotep III
Iset consort of Amenhotep III
Sitamun (2) consort of Amenhotep III
Tadukhipa possible consort of Amenhotep III or Akhenaten
Nefertiti consort of Akhenaten
Kiya consort of Akhenaten
Merytamun consort of SMENKHARÉ
Ankhesenamon consort of TUT’ANKHAMUN
Tey consort of AYA
Ankhesenamon consort of Aya
Mutnodjmet (1) consort of HOREMHAB
Amenia consort of Horemhab

Nineteenth Dynasty

Sitré consort of RAMESSES I, mother of SETI I
Tuya consort of Seti I, mother of RAMESSES II
Nefertari consort of Ramesses II
Isetnofret consort of Ramesses II, mother of MERENPTAH
Bint-Anath consort of Ramesses II
Henutmiré consort of Ramesses II
Meryt-Amun consort of Ramesses II
Ma’at Hornefruré consort of Ramesses II
Nebt-Tawy (1) consort of Ramesses II
Mutnofret consort of Ramesses II
Isetnofret consort of Merenptah, mother of SETI II
Takhat consort of Merenptah, mother of AMENMESSES
Twosret consort of Seti II, Queen-Pharaoh
Tia (2) consort of Seti II, mother of SIPTAH
Takhat consort of Seti II
Baketwerel possible consort of Amenmesses

330 queens
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