Gout Book.docx

(Jeff_L) #1

Step 6
Exercise, do whatever you enjoy, just make sure to exercise.

Step 7
If you think you’ve beaten gout, then write to me, I’d like to hear your story, I might
even interview you sometime for a future post on my website. You can contact me at
[email protected]

I can’t stress it enough! I have tried and failed. Remember the more gout attacks you
get, chances are you can eventually damage your joints permanently. Furthermore,
don’t think that by taking allopurinol that you are out of the woods. The unseen side
effects include increases of overall acidity in the body, which puts extra burden on your
kidneys, liver and other organs. Think every time you take your allopurinol, you are
slowly poisoning your body, eventually you will have to pay the price by risking kidney
or liver failure. There is risk involved for sure but I was never a fan of not taking risks and
simply doing what one told you to do and leaving it at that. Why? Cause I believe in
the body’s ability to heal! There are so many examples of people that have been
healed from their condition whether it’s diabetes, high blood pressure, gout,
cardiovascular disease and yes even cancer! I’ve spoken to so many doctors and other
health professionals who have witnessed drastic turnarounds in health through the
body’s ability to heal through proper diet and exercise. But truth be told, not all will
succeed due to the fact that our bodies are all different, the conditions we may have
varies from one and another, pre-existing conditions come into play like genetics, your
environment also plays a role, my version of gout and your version can be totally
different as well as the progression of the disease inside our bodies.

So what’s the point of me reading this book you say? Plenty! My uric acid levels went
from sky-high where I was taking 300mg of the prescription drug allopurinol and 2mg a
day of the other prescription drug colchicine to only taking 100mg of allopurinol
daily! Not bad for a guy with a blood disorder and now my uric acid levels have
stabilised! For the first time in my life I am in control of my disease and battle with gout
and you can be too if you follow the information on the lifestyle change I have compiled
for you. Make no mistake about it, there is no cure-all remedy for gout. In the long term
it won’t fly! Maybe in the short term you can get some relief but in the long term it’s

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