CChhaapptteerr 11 :: (^)
FFaatt,, PPrrootteeiinn && CCaarrbbss......GGeettttiinngg tthhee
FFaaccttss SSttrraaiigghhtt (^)
Ok, let’s get started here and dig in a simple controversy a few years back about oat
bran. A study came out which basically stated that oat bran is so good for you. It was
added in cereals, and there was a lot of rave about it. Then another study came out
stating that oat bran is no better than anything else. It is the soluble and insoluble fiber
that occurs in most of the fruits and vegetables that are good. Now whether it’s oat
which is mostly a soluble fiber, or wheat which is mostly an insoluble fiber, it doesn’t
really matter because our body needs to enjoy a variety of foods. If mother nature
created it for us, then it is good for us. Let’s not just overdo things and be a glutton
about it, because too much of anything, at the end is no good.
To read more about the fiber content of different foods, check out this link:^
Our body is a masterpiece creation with excess capacity. The human brain contains
about 10 billion nerve cells or neurons, each capable of storing 40 billion memories. We
lose a few couple hundred daily depending how we abuse our brain from food and
drink. Our body also has two kidneys and we can live with only one of them functioning,
if we have to. We also have two lungs which enable us to breathe in oxygen which is
very important for metabolism. Our body has excess capacity for all of our vital organs
and yet we abuse them so badly that sometimes we wear them out in only 30 to 60
years!!! We all know of a love one or friend that has passed away way too soon and way
too young. This is the greatest tragedy any person can experience!
Fat and blood from meats are concentrates that the body cannot tolerate in great
quantities. In digesting them, we produce so many waste products that even our kidneys
which have excess capacity cannot handle them properly and that results in diseases.
Excess fat is your number one health enemy!