Applied Mathematics for Business and Economics

(sharon) #1

Lecture Note Function of Two Variables

Qxy(),10= xy^2


1 Using x skilled workers and y unskilled workers, a manufacturer can produce

units per day. Currently there are 20 skilled workers and 40
unskilled workers on the job.
a. How many units are currently being produced each day?
b. By how much will the daily production level change if 1 more skilled
worker is added to the current work force?
c. By how much will the daily production level change if 1 more unskilled
worker is added to the current work force?
d. By how much will the daily production level change if 1 more skilled
worker and 1 more unskilled worker are added to the current work force?
edayeRbIkmμkrCMnajcMnYn x nigkmμkrminCMnajcMnYn y plitkrmñak;Gacplit)ancMnYn

Ékta kñúgmYyéf¶. \LÚvenHmankmμkrCMnajcMnYn 20 nak; nigkmμkrmin

CMnajcMnYn 40 kMBugeFVIkargar. k> etIkñúgmYyéf¶² eKGacplit)anb:unμanÉkta? x> etIbrimaN

plitRbcaMéf¶ERbRbYlkñúgTMhMb:unμan ebIeKbEnßmkMlaMgkmμkrCMnajcMnYn 1 nak;eToteTAelIcMnYn

Edlman Rsab;? K> etIbrimaNplitRbcaMéf¶ERbRbYlkñúgTMhMb:unμan ebIeKbEnßmkMlaMgkmμkrmin

CMnajcMnYn 1 nak;eToteTAelIcMnYnEdlmanRsab;? X> etIbrimaNplitRbcaMéf¶ERbRbYlkñúg

TMhMb:unμan ebIeKbEnßmkMlaMgkmμkrCMnajcMnYn 1 nak; nigkMlaMgkmμkrminCMnaj 1 mYynak;eTot


Qxy(),10= xy^2

(Answer: a. 160,000 units per day, b. 16,400 units per day, c. 4000 units per day
d. 20,810 units per day)

2 A manufacturer can produce electric typewriters at a cost of $80 apiece and
manual typewriters at a cost of $20 apiece.
a. Express the manufacturer’s total monthly production cost as a function of
the number of electric typewriters and the number of manual typewriters
b. Compute the total monthly cost if 500 electric and 800 manual typewriters
are produced.
c. The manufacturer wants to increase the output of electric typewriters by 50
a month from the level in part b. What corresponding change should be
made in the monthly output of manual typewriters so that the total monthly
cost will not change?
plitkrmñak;GacplitGgÁúlIelxGKÁisnIedayeRbIéføedIm 80 duløakñúgmYyeRKÓg nigGgÁúlIelxéd

edayeRbIéføedIm 20 duløakñúgmYyeRKÓg. k> cUrsresrGnuKmn_éføedImplitkmμRbcaMExrbs;plitkr

CaGnuKmn_eTAnwgcMnYnGgÁúlIelxTaMgBIrRbePT Edl)anplit. x> KNnaéføedImsrubRbcaMEx ebIsin

CaGgÁúlIelxGKÁisnIcMnYn 500 nigGgÁúlIelxédcMnYn 800 eRKÓgRtUvplit. K> plitkrcg;begáIn

plitplGgÁúlIelxGKÁisnI cMnYn 50 eRKOgbEnßmeTotkñúgmYyExBIelIkRmitEdl)anbBa¢ak;enAkñúg

sMNYr x>. etIcMnYnplitplGgÁúlIelxédEdlRtUvplitRbcaMExRtUvERbRbYldUcemþc edIm,IrkSakMu[

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