Applied Mathematics for Business and Economics

(sharon) #1

Lecture Note Function of Two Variables


3 A paint store carries two brands of latex paint. Sales figures indicate that if the
first brand is sold for x 1 dollars per gallon and the second for x 2 dollars per gallon,
the demand for the first brand will be Dxx 112 ( , )=−200 10x 1 + 20 x 2 gallons per
month and the demand for the second brand will be Dx 21 ( ,x 2 )=+− 100 5 x 110 x 2
gallons per month.
a. Express the paint store’s total monthly revenue from the sale of the paint
as a function of the prices x 1 andx 2.
b. Compute the revenue in part a. if the first brand is sold for $6 per gallon
and the second for $5 per gallon.
haglk;eRKOgsMNg;mYymanlk;fñaMlabcMnYnBIrRbePT. tamtYelxénkarlk;)anbgðajfaebIfñaM

labRbePTTI1lk;éføx 1 kñúgmYyháaLúg nigfñaMlabRbePTTI2lk;éføx 2 duløakñúgmYyháaLúg enaH

tRmUvkarfñaMRbePTI1esμIeTAnwg kñúgmYyEx nigtRmUvkarfñaMRbePT


Dxx 112 (), =−+200 10x 120 x 2

Dx 21 ( ,x 2 )=+−100 5x 110 x 2


kñúgmYyEx. k> cUrsresrkenSamtam[R)ak;cMNUl

srubRbcaMExrbs;hagenaHCaGnuKmn_eTAnwgéføxnig x 2. x> edayeRbIGnuKmn_R)ak;cMNUlenH cUr

KNnaR)ak;cMNUl ebIfñaMRbePT1 lk;éfø 6 duløakñúgmYyháaLúg nigfñaMRbePT2lk;éfø 5 duløakñúg1


4 The output at a certain factory is QKL( , )= 120 K L23 13units, where K is the

capital investment measured in units of $1,000 and L the size of the labor force
measured in worker-hours.
a. Compute the output if the capital investment is $125,000 and the size of
the labor force is 1,331 worker-hours.
b. What will happen to the output in part a. if both the level of capital
investment and the size of the labor force are cut in half?
cMnYnplitplecjBIeragcRkmYykMNt;edayGnuKmn_QKL( , )= 120 K L23 13Ékta EdlKKWCa

vinieyaKmUlFn EdlxñatKitCaBaan;duløa ehIyLCaTMhMkMlaMgBlkmμ xñatKitCaem:agkmμkr


. k>

KNnabrimaNplitplEdlplit)anebIeKmanvinieyaKmUlFn 125000 duløa nigTMhMkMlaMgBlkmμ

1331 em:agkmμkr. x> etIbrimaNplitplkñúgsMNYrk> nwgERbRbYldUcemþc ebITaMgTMhMkMlaMgBlkmμ


5 At a certain factory, the daily output is QKL( ,60)= K L12 13units, where K

denotes the capital investment measured in unit of $1,000 and L size of labor force
measured in worker-hours. Suppose that the current capital investment is
$900,000 and that 1,000 worker-hours of labor are used each day. Use marginal



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