Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

outlook and evil ways debar them from entering into the deeper and spiritual realms of
consciousness and thus acquiring true wisdom and spiritual illumination.
This Sutra points out that spiritual illumination begins to flood the mind when
the Yogi has reached the last stage of Nirvicara Samadhi and is in the borderland
which separates the intellect from the next higher spiritual principle, Buddhi or Intui-
tion. In this stage the light of Buddhi which is the source of wisdom and spirituality
begins to shed its radiance on the intellect. Illuminated in this manner the intellect
ceases to be a slave of the lower self and becomes a willing instrument of the Higher
Self working through Atma-Buddhi-Manas. For, the distortions and illusions associ-
ated with the intellect are not really inherent in this principle. They are due to the ab-
sence of spiritual illumination. An intellect illuminated by the light of Buddhi and un-
der the control of the Atma is a magnificent and powerful instrument which even the
Adepts use constantly in Their work.

  1. There, the consciousness is Truth-and Right-bearing.

In the previous Sutra the stage at which the purely intellectual consciousness is
converted into spiritual consciousness in Samadhi was pointed out. The present Sutra
gives an important attribute of the new type of consciousness which emerges as a re-
sult of this change. This is called Rtambhara. This word is derived from two Samskrta
roots Rtam which means ‘the Right’ and Bhara which means ‘to bear’ or ‘to hold’.
Rtambhara therefore literally means Right-bearing. Rtam and Satyam (the True) are
two words of very profound significance in the scripture of the Hindus and being cor-
relatives are generally used together. Although they are sometimes used synonymously
there is a subtle distinction in their meaning which many people find it difficult to
grasp. To understand this we should recall the well-known doctrine of Eastern phi-
losophy according to which the Universe, both seen and unseen, is a manifestation of a
Divine Reality or Spirit which abides within it and is the ultimate cause and source of
all that takes place in it in terms of time and space. That Reality is referred to as Sat

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