Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

and Its existence in the Universe manifests in two fundamental ways. In the first place,
It constitutes the truth or the very essence of all things. This is called Satyam. In the
second place, It determines the ordered course of things both in their material and
moral aspect. This is called Rtam. Satyam is thus the relative truth underlying manifes-
tation constituting the realities of all things. Rtam is the cosmic order including all
laws—natural, moral or spiritual—in their totality which are eternal and inviolable in
their nature. Satyam and Rtam will therefore be seen to be two aspects of Sat in mani-
festation, one static the other dynamic. They are inseparable and together constitute
the very foundation of the manifested Universe. Rtambhara Prajna is thus that kind of
consciousness which gives an unerring perception of the Right and the True underlying
manifestation. Whatever is perceived in the light of this Prajna must be Right and
In dealing with the previous Sutra the distorting influence of the intellect was
referred to and we saw how the intellect, without the illumination of Buddhi is incapa-
ble of perceiving the deeper truths of life. Let us consider briefly how this obscuration
which is brought about by the intellect works. In our search for knowledge we want
the truth as a whole but the intellect allows us to see only a part of the truth at a time.
So the knowledge derived through the intellect is never perfect, can by its very nature
be never perfect. The manner in which our intellect brings about this fragmentation of
truth and prevents us from seeing things as they are is realized only when we transcend
the intellect in Samadhi and penetrate into the deeper realms of consciousness lying
beyond the intellect. Not only is nothing seen as a whole by the intellect, but nothing
is seen in its correct perspective in its relation to other things and other truths which
exist at the same time. This results in exaggerating the importance of partial truths,
misusing knowledge concerning natural forces, adopting wrong means to gain right
ends and so many other evils of which the modern civilization based on intellect pro-
vides so many and such glaring instances. This lack of wholeness and lack of perspec-
tive must characterize all knowledge and action based on intellect divorced from wis-
The knowledge obtained in Samadhi when the light of Buddhi illuminates the
mind is not only free from error and doubt but also related to the underlying Cosmic
Law which governs manifestation. It is based not only on Truth but also on Right. That
is why the Prajna or consciousness functioning in these higher stages of Samadhi is
called Rtambhara. The knowledge which the Yogi gets is not only perfectly true but he

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