Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

ing and fundamental cause of human misery and suffering and the way in which this
cause can be removed effectively. This analysis is not based upon a consideration of
the superficial facts of life as observed through the senses. The Rsis who expounded
this philosophy were great Adepts who combined in themselves the qualifications of a
religious teacher, scientist and philosopher. With this triple qualification and synthetic
vision they attacked the great problem of life, determined to find a solution of the rid-
dle which Time and Space have created for the illusion-bound man. They observed the
phenomena of life not only with the help of their senses and the mind, but in the full
conviction that the solution lay beyond even the intellect; they dived deeper and
deeper into their own consciousness, tearing aside veil after veil, until they discovered
the ultimate cause of the Great Illusion and the misery and suffering which are its in-
evitable results. They discovered, incidentally, in their search other subtler worlds of
entrancing beauty hidden beneath the visible physical world. They discovered new
faculties and powers within themselves—faculties and powers which could be utilized
for studying these subtler worlds and pursuing their enquiry into still deeper layers of
their own consciousness. But they did not allow themselves to be entangled by these
subtler worlds and did not rest content until they had penetrated deep enough within
their consciousness to find an effective and permanent solution of the great problem of
life. They discovered in this way not only the ultimate cause of human misery and suf-
fering but also the only effective means of destroying these afflictions permanently.
It is very necessary for the student to realize the experimental nature of this phi-
losophy of Klesas and the greater philosophy of Yoga of which it is an integral part.
These are not the results of speculation or reasoned thought as many systems of phi-
losophy are. The philosophy of Yoga claims to be derived from the results of scientific
experiments, guided by the spirit of philosophic enquiry, inspired by religious devo-
tion. We cannot, obviously, verify this essentially scientific system by the ordinary
methods of Science and say to the sceptic: ‘Come I will prove it before your eyes.’ We
cannot judge it by the ordinary academic standards of philosophers who apply purely
intellectual criteria for judging these things. The only way in which it can be verified
is to follow the path which was taken by the original discoverers and which is outlined
in this system of Yoga. The sceptic might feel that it is unfair to ask him to assume the
validity of what he wants to get proved, but this, from the very nature of things, cannot
be helped. Those who have seen the fundamental problem of life in its true aspects will
consider the gamble worth taking, for that provides the only way out of the Great Illu-

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