Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

sion. For others it does not matter whether they do or do not believe in the teachings of
Yoga. They are not yet ready for the Divine Adventure.
Before discussing in detail the philosophy of Klesas as outlined in Section II of
the Yoga-Sutras it will be desirable to give an analysis of the whole subject in the form
of a table. This will show at a glance the different aspects of the subject and their rela-
tion to one another. It will be seen from the summary given in this table—a fact which
is difficult to grasp otherwise—that the whole subject has been dealt with in a system-
atic and masterly manner. The student who wants to get a clear insight into the phi-
losophy of Klesas will do well, therefore, to go through the following summary care-
fully and ponder over it before taking up the detailed study cf the subject.


Numbers of Sutras in which the
Question dealt with Subject subject is dealt with in
Section II

  1. What are Klesas? Enumeration and definitions. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

  2. How are they destroyed? General methods of destroying them. 10,11.

  3. Why should Klesas be They involve us in a
    destroyed? never-ending cycle of births 12, 13, 14, 15.
    and deaths and miseries of life.

  4. Can their result— Yes, those that are still in the future. 16.
    miseries of life—
    be destroyed?

  5. What is the fundamental Union and identification of the 17.
    cause of these miseries? Knower with the Known.

  6. What is the nature of the Interactions of Bhutas, Indriyas 18, 19.
    Known? and Gunas which result in

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