Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

  1. On being firmly established in honesty all kinds of gems present them-
    selves (before the Yogi).

‘All kinds of gems present themselves’ does not mean that precious stones be-
gin to fly through the air and fall at his feet. It is a way of saying that he becomes
aware of all kinds of treasures in his vicinity. For example, if he is passing through a
jungle he becomes cognizant of any treasure buried in the neighbourhood or any mine
of precious gems which may be present underground. This cognizance may be of the
nature of clairvoyance or mere intuitional awareness like the one possessed by water-
As long as we have in us the tendency to misappropriate or grasp things which
do not belong to us we are governed by the ordinary laws of Nature. When we have
risen above this tendency completely and would not even think of taking anything even
if a treasure were to fall within our grasp, then we rise, as it were, above the law which
confines us strictly to the limited means allotted to us by our Karma. Then people
around us offer their wealth at our feet, we become mysteriously aware of all kinds of
hidden treasures and mines of precious stones hidden within the bowels of the earth.
But all this is useless now, for us. We can take nothing for ourselves. When we are
bound by the ordinary desires for wealth etc. we have to earn everything by adopting
the ordinary means. When we have conquered those desires the ordinary laws are no
longer binding on us.

  1. On being firmly established in sexual continence vigour (is) gained.

Virya which is translated as vigour does not mean merely physical vigour which
no doubt results from the conservation of sexual energy. Virya is connected with our
whole constitution and refers to that vitality which makes all its parts vibrant, so that
all weakness, laxity and inadequacy disappear and are replaced by extraordinary resil-

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