Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

ience, strength and energy. It appears as if there is an influx of tremendous vitality
from the higher planes imparting vigour and strength to every vehicle which it touches.
It is worth while referring here to one interesting fact in connection with the
conservation of sexual energy which is involved in Brahmacarya. It is a well-known
doctrine of Yogic philosophy that there is a very intimate relation between sexual en-
ergy and the energy which is required for bringing about the mental, moral and spiri-
tual regeneration aimed at in Yogic discipline. In fact the sexual energy may be con-
sidered to be only a gross form of this subtler energy which is called Ojas. As long as
the sex life continues much of this special kind of available energy in the body is used
up in this manner. But after Brahmacarya has been well established the possibility
opens for the utilization of the conserved energy for the various changes which the
Sadhaka is trying to bring about in his body and mind. The current of energy which
had previously been kept directed to the sexual regions and was being exhausted in
sexual indulgence can now be utilized for the purposes mentioned above. But this sub-
limation and diversion of this energy is possible only for those who have obtained a
complete mastery of their sexual instincts and not merely abstained from indulgence
for some time. Such people who are able to conserve, transmute and direct this energy
continuously towards the cerebrum are called Urdhva-retas, Urdhva meaning upwards
and Retas meaning sexual energy.
This complete control of sexual energy is acquired not merely by abstention
from the sex act but also by a very strict and rigid control of thoughts and desires so
that not the slightest thought or desire connected with sex or suggesting sex ever enters
the mind of the Sadhaka. For this current of energy referred to above is extremely sus-
ceptible to thought and the slightest thoughts connected with sexual desires immedi-
ately stir up and direct the current to the sex organs. Brahmacarya, therefore, is not so
much a matter of abstention from the sex act as a control of thoughts so complete that
not the slightest stirring of our sex instincts is possible at any time. It is only under
such conditions that the grosser energies of the body can be sublimated to serve the
higher purposes of the soul. And the earlier in life we begin this self-discipline the
easier it is to acquire this control.

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