Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

two conditions which determine the state of Samadhi. But these further developments
have been discussed in connection with I-42-49.
It will be seen that the transformations which take place in Dharana, Dhyana
and Samadhi are purely mental phenomena and are related to consciousness. The mind
has already been disconnected from the body and whatever takes place in the realm of
the mind cannot be judged by the condition of the body. The physiological functions
go on perfectly but there is no response of the body either to the world outside or in-
side. This lack of response to outer stimuli in the physical body in the state of Samadhi
makes many people mistake ordinary trance for Samadhi. But mere trance cannot be a
proof of the attainment of Samadhi. The body becomes unresponsive in sleep or under
the influence of anaesthetics or drugs. It also becomes unresponsive when, in the case
of psychics, the subtler vehicles withdraw from the physical body and consciousness
begins to function in the subtler world next to the physical. In all such cases the body
is inert but the lower mind is functioning partially or fully in the next subtler vehicle.
It is still under the full domination of distractions as before. The mental processes
leading up to Samadhi take place in the lower mental body and require the quiescence
of the lower vehicles. Therefore, the fact of a person being in real Samadhi is deter-
mined solely by the condition of his mind and not at all by the inertness of the physical
It is necessary to draw attention to these obvious facts because those who are
not well versed in the philosophy of Yoga and dabble in lower psychism generally con-
fuse the inertness of the physical body with Samadhi and a person who can manage to
remain unconscious for any length of time is regarded as a great Yogi! This condition
of mere inertness is generally referred to as Jada-Samadhi and has really no relation
with true Samadhi although outwardly they appear very much alike. A person who
comes out of true Samadhi brings with him the transcendent knowledge, wisdom,
peace and strength of the inner life while a person who comes out of Jada-Samadhi is
no wiser than a person who comes out of sleep. Sometimes, when he is psychic he may
be able to bring down into the physical brain clear or confused memory of some of his
experiences on the next subtler plane but there is nothing remarkable or reliable about
these experiences and certainly there is nothing in common with the transcendent
knowledge which is gained in true Samadhi.
The extent of ignorance prevailing with regard to these things is sometimes
amazing. Sometime ago an article was published in a well-known Hindi journal deal-

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