Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

ing with the different stages of Samadhi. In this article were given a series of photo-
graphs of a Yogi supposed to be passing into different stages of Samadhi one after an-
other. The series of photographs, as far as could be seen, merely showed an increasing
dullness of the eyes but what was astounding was that they showed more and more
physical light coming out of the physical body in the advanced stages of Samadhi! As
if the light which dawns in the consciousness of the Yogi in Samadhi can be photo-
graphed! But such is the power of ignorance to distort and vulgarize the highest truths
of life and to consider everything in terms of the physical which is the only part of life
which is tangible and visible to the common man.

  1. The three taken together constitute Samyama.

It should be clear from what has been said previously in dealing with Dharana,
Dhyana and Samadhi that these are really different phases of the same mental process,
each succeeding stage differing from the preceding in the depth of concentration which
has been attained and the more complete isolation of the object of contemplation from
distractions. The complete process beginning with Dharana and ending in Samadhi is
called Samyama in Yogic terminology and the practical mastery of its technique opens
the door not only to knowledge of all kinds but also to powers and superphysical ac-
complishments known as Siddhis.
It is necessary to keep in mind two facts about Samyama. First, it is a continu-
ous process and the passage from one stage to another is not marked by any abrupt
change in consciousness. Secondly, the time taken in reaching the last stage depends
entirely upon the progress made by the Yogi. The beginner may have to spend hours
and days in reaching the final stage while the Adept can pass into it almost instantane-
ously and effortlessly. As Samadhi does not involve any movement in space but
merely sinking, as it were, towards the centre of one's own consciousness, time is not

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