Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

That there must be a faculty of non-instrumental perception is clear from the
fact that Isvara is conscious of everything everywhere without the use of the sense-
organs or the mind. If omniscience is a fact then non-instrumental perception must also
be a fact and Pratibha is only the expression of this kind of perception through an in-
dividual in a limited manner. This is also the faculty which perfected Beings who have
attained Kaivalya use in maintaining their contact with the lower worlds which they
have transcended. Perception through the sense-organs should, therefore, be consid-
ered merely as a stage in the unfoldment of consciousness. After the higher conscious-
ness has become unfolded the use of these organs becomes mostly unnecessary and is
resorted to only for certain specific purposes. In evolutionary progress it is found fre-
quently that a particular mechanism representing a lower stage is used only in unfold-
ing a higher stage and disappeats after it has achieved its purpose.

  1. (By performing Samyama) on the heart, awareness of the nature of the

In this Sutra and the next the method of unfolding intuitional consciousness is
given. As the intuitional consciousness transcends mental consciousness the first step,
naturally, is to acquire true knowledge concerning the nature of the mind and how it
modifies pure consciousness, i.e. consciousness of the Purusa. This knowledge is
gained by performing Samyama on the heart. What is meant by the heart?
On the form side the Jivatma is constituted of a set of concentric vehicles com-
posed of matter of different degrees of subtlety just as the Solar Logos on the form
side is constituted of a set of concentric planes irradiated by His consciousness. The
former is called Pindanda, the auric egg, while the latter is called a Brahmanda, the
Brahmic egg, the two being related to each other as microcosm and macrocosm and
having a common centre. Just as the sun both in its physical and super-physical aspects
forms the heart of the Solar system froifc which radiate all the energies which are

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