Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

needed in the Solar system, in the same way, the common centre of all the vehicles of
the Jivatma which energizes them is referred to in occult and mystic literature as the
heart. It is probably so called firstly, because of itls proximity to the physical heart and
secondly, because of its analogous function. The gateway to the mystic heart is the
Cakra known as Anahata and it is Samyama on this which really enables the Yogi to
know the nature of the mind principle which functions through the different vehicles at
different levels.
As Citta is merely the product of the interaction of consciousness and matter (I-
2) it should be easy to see why the common centre of all the vehicles through which
consciousness functions should also be the seat of Citta. The senses are merely the
outposts of Citta and should be considered as part of Citta.

  1. Experience is the result of inability to distinguish between the Purusa
    and the Sattva though they are absolutely distinct. Knowledge of the Purusa results
    from Samyama on the Self-interest (of the Purusa) apart from another's interest (of

This is one of those Sutras which many students find it difficult to understand.
This is due to the fact that it involves some fundamental doctrines of Samkhya phi-
losophy about which our ideas are not quite clear. If we clarify these ideas first the
meaning of the Sutra will become much clearer. Although the Yoga-Sutras are consid-
ered generally to be based entirely on Samkhya they are best understood on the basis
of both Samkhya and Vedantic doctrines and there is really no justification for the arbi-
trary exclusion of Vedantic doctrines in discussing the problems of higher Yoga.

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