Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1
ultimate; smallest atom (and) ultimate; greatest large-

ness; infinity ending (in); extending (up to) his (of the yogi) mas-

  1. His mastery extends from the finest atom to the greatest infinity.

In this Sutra Patanjali has summed up the powers which can be acquired by the
practice of Yoga. He says, in fact, that there is no limit to the powers of the Yogi.
This may appear to the modern man a tall claim and he may dismiss it as another illus-
tration of the hyperboles found scattered in Eastern books like the Puranas. That Yoga
confers some powers on its votaries he will be prepared to concede, to deny this would
be to fly in the face of facts within the experience of a large number of intelligent peo-
ple. But to claim for the Yogi omnipotence—which is what the statement in this Sutra
really amounts to—will appear an absurd exaggeration of facts.
Taken by itself the statement made in this Sutra does appear too sweeping. But
we must remember that Patanjali has devoted almost one whole Section to the subject
of Siddhis or powers acquired through Yoga. The present Sutra is therefore expected to
be read in the light of all that is said later about Siddhis in Section III. The generaliza-
tion contained in it is therefore not an unqualified statement and if studied along with
Section III and the general remarks made in dealing with III-16 will appear quite ra-
tional and intelligible.

of him in whose case the modifications of the mind have been almost

annihilated of transparent; well-polished like of the jewel or

crystal (in) cognizer; subject cognition; the relation between the subject

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