Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

and object (and) cognized objects on which it rests the tak-

ing of the form or colour of that consummation; outcome; fusion.

  1. In the case of one whose Citta-Vrttis have been almost annihilated, fu-
    sion or entire absorption in one another of the cognizer, cognition and cognized is
    brought about as in the case of a transparent jewel (resting on a coloured surface).

This is one of the most important and interesting Sutras in the book for many
reasons. Firstly, it throws light on the nature of Samadhi as perhaps no other Sutra
does; secondly, it enables us to get some insight into the nature of consciousness and
mental perception, and lastly, it provides a clue to the modus operandi of the many
powers which can be wielded by the Yogi.
If we are to understand the underlying significance of the Sutra we should first
recall the philosophical conception upon which it is based. According to this concep-
tion the manifested Universe is an emanation of an Ultimate Reality and its different
planes, visible and invisible, may be considered to be formed by a sort of progressive
condensation or involution of consciousness. At each stage of the progressive conden-
sation a subjective-objective relationship is established between the more condensed
and less condensed aspects of consciousness, the less condensed assuming the subjec-
tive and the more condensed the objective role The Ultimate Reality at the basis of the
manifested Universe is the only purely subjective principle while all other partial ex-
pressions of that Reality in the realm of manifestation have a double subjective-
objective role, being subjective towards those expressions which are more involved
and objective towards those less involved. Not only is there at each point the possibil-
ity of this meeting of subjective and objective but wherever and whenever such meet-
ing takes place a definite relation is established between the two. So the manifested
Universe is really not a duality but a triplicity and that is how every manifestation of
Reality at any level or in any sphere has three aspects. These three aspects correspond-
ing to the subjective and objective sides of manifestation and the relation which must
exist between them are referred to in the present Sutra as Grahitr, Grahana and Gra-
hya and may be translated into English by sets of words such as knower, knowing,
known or cognizer, cognition, cognized or perceiver, perception, perceived. This fun-
damental fact underlying manifestation, that the One has become the Three, is the ba-

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