The Raw Truth

(lu) #1

Persimmon Sunburst

Hachiya persimmons, also known as Japanese persimmons, are very high in tannic acid and taste like very bitter chalk when underripe. To

avoid this, make certain that your persimmons are fully ripe and soft. The skin should peel off the fruit easily if totally ripe.


6 dates, seeded
½ cup filtered water
½ cup fresh blueberries
4 ripe Hachiya persimmons

Place the dates in a small bowl, cover with the water, and soak for about 1 hour, or until soft. In a food processor, combine the dates, their soaking
water, and the blueberries and process until smooth.
Starting at the point of each persimmon, slice an X shape through the skin, cutting all the way down to the nub on top. Place the fruit, point up, on
serving plates. Gently peel the skin away from each fruit, and leave it hanging like the petals of a flower. Using a melon baller or a small spoon,
scoop out a piece of persimmon from the top of each open fruit. Spoon some of the blueberry sauce into the open persimmon points and drizzle
more over the tops.

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