The Raw Truth

(lu) #1

Rosy Sea Soup

Dulse is a purple North Atlantic sea vegetable that has a smooth and silky texture and is not overly salty. Dulse doesn’t need to be soaked

before use because it is so soft to begin with. Dulse is sold dried, whole, or as flakes. (Pictured here)


1 beet
2 cups Almond Mylk
½ cup dulse flakes
1 avocado, peeled and pitted
Bragg Liquid Aminos

Using a homogenizing juicer, homogenize the beet into a measuring cup (you should have about ¼ cup). Place the almond mylk, dulse, beet juice,
and avocado in a blender and blend until smooth. Add the Braggs to taste. Pour into bowls and serve.

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