The Raw Truth

(lu) #1

Pesto Soup

This Raw Experience creation has a robust flavor and chunky texture that make it “soupreme!”


10 large fresh basil leaves
1 clove garlic
¼ cup pine nuts
1 tablespoon red miso
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
2 cups filtered water
2 cups diced tomatoes (about 4 tomatoes)
¼ cup diced red bell pepper
2 tablespoons shredded carrot
2 tablespoons shredded beet
2 tablespoons minced onion, rinsed
1 tablespoon Bragg Liquid Aminos
Basil flowers, for garnish

Place the basil, garlic, pine nuts, miso, and yeast in a blender and blend while gradually adding the water. Add the tomatoes, bell pepper, carrot,
beet, onion, and Braggs and pulse until chunky. Serve in bowls, garnished with the basil flowers.

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