The Raw Truth

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and wild food guide for pictures of what each herb or green looks like. It is also helpful to contact native or indigenous people for more information
about the edible plants in your area. Research is invaluable, because you want to be prepared when a life-giving plant comes into season.

Foraging around Town

Many people live in houses with fruiting trees planted in their yard. Amazingly, people often prefer to buy from a store rather than pick the fruit for
themselves. If you see fruit falling on the ground in your neighborhood, consider knocking on the door or leaving a note asking whether it’s okay to
pick some of it. Many people will let you have all their fruit or will split the harvest with you.

Raw Travel Tips

When adventuring to new places, it can be challenging to find raw organic food. Many places in the world have become inundated with modern
packaged foods, or their local denizens dine primarily on fast food and junk. Most modern cities do have some form of raw and organic resources
available, yet sometimes we find ourselves in a dead food zone where there isn’t any vital food available. In those situations, try to plan ahead or
master the art of patience and fasting.


For airplane travel, it is best to bring your own food. This is the only way to ensure clean and fresh raw food. I’ve been told that a few airlines offer a
raw option, and one airline offers only organic produce. These days it’s challenging to get airline security to let you through without irradiating your
food. If you happen to have food in your pockets, you can get a few things onboard without being irradiated. Otherwise, every bag goes through the
X-ray machine. The amount of radiation is supposedly less than that emitted by a cell phone, yet this may just be safety propaganda. Personally, I
either fast or bring what I can. One of the best travel foods is kimchee. When they break out the cart of microwaved beef, open up your kimchee. It
will mask the smell of the airplane food and help build up good flora that airline radiation destroys.

Trains and Buses

On train and bus rides, it is easy to bring your own food. Certain whole foods travel better than others—avoid ones that can get squished. Prepared
foods are great for this kind of travel as well.

Long Car Travel

Car travel gives you the best options of all. You can bring prepared foods for parts of the road trip and collect many fruits along the way. Each new
destination becomes a new source of food and fun. Sprouts can also be grown inside cars or buses by hanging sprout bags from the windows.
Some people have even created solar dehydrators in the back window of their car.


Hotels are great for preparing food and growing sprouts. You can set up a mini-kitchen area with a cutting board and even set up a blender. The
bathroom can be used as a sprouting area, and you can stock up the room with local produce.


As we think, so it is. Benjamin Franklin once said that he saw “more people get ill from what came out of their mouths than from what went in.” This
is to say that we are what we think and say as much as, if not more than, we are what we eat. Some of the most unhealthy food a person can eat is
made by angry chefs or people who are upset. Love and positive intent can influence our creations as much as negativity and anger. By keeping a
positive attitude while preparing food, we can add to the joy and experience people get when they eat.

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