The Raw Truth

(lu) #1

Liver Cleanse

This drink is a great way to care for your liver, which filters the blood and eliminates many of the toxins the body encounters. This drink helps the

liver remove old waste and also helps clear the gall bladder. This drink was called the “Elvis Parsley” on The Raw Experience menu because it

made you shimmy and shake.


¼ cup loosely packed fresh flat-leaf parsley
1 clove garlic
2 cups freshly squeezed orange juice
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon olive or flax oil
Pinch of cayenne pepper

Place the parsley, garlic, and 1 cup of the orange juice in a blender and blend. Strain through a wire-mesh sieve into a pitcher. Add the remaining 1
cup orange juice, the lemon juice, oil, and cayenne, and stir. Serve immediately.

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