Career Choice and Development

(avery) #1

communications schools. While using the career center’s occupa-
tional information files, K learned about the field of video game
design. In a follow-up session with Eva, he excitedly discussed the
idea of designing video games that would involve the sport of skate-
boarding. He saw this as a way of using his creative side (A), his sci-
entific side (I), and his interest in hands-on work (R). Eva affirmed
the fact that this seemed like a great way to combine his interests
and skills. On his Guide to Good Decision Making Exercise, K had
described the costs and benefits of this option. He noted that he
liked the way it combined his skills and interests but was concerned
that it is a competitive field, that only a few people are really suc-
cessful, and that those are the ones who make a lot of money.
He had also weighed the pros and cons of being an architect.
He liked the creative aspect of the field and the income potential,
but he was concerned about having to spend “too much time stuck
in an office” and being bound by too many rules. Through his lei-
sure reading, he had learned about persons who are involved in
designing courses used in professional skateboarding but worried
that this type of focus might be too narrow and limit his options.
During his research on computer occupations, he learned about
organizations that have a really flexible work environment, for
example, casual dress, varied work hours, and leisure activities on-
site. He liked the idea of a work setting that is somewhat relaxed yet
provides enough structure to keep him on-task. These comments fit
with K’s self-knowledge that identifies Independence as an impor-
tant value but recognizes that “he does better when others set the
agenda for him.”
In his fourth session with Eva, K shared his experience using the
CTI Workbookand said, “I can see how my thinking tends to get me
in trouble!” K said that while he had gotten better with regard to
how he thinks about this whole process of choosing a career, he still
had a tendency to daydream and procrastinate. Eva reinforced the
good work he had done so far and reassured him that it was natural
to do both of those things.


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