Career Choice and Development

(avery) #1

Summative Review and Generalization. K stayed in touch with
Eva throughout the spring semester. He missed a few appointments
but sent Eva an occasional e-mail to let her know he was making
progress. He had identified additional computer courses that he
planned to take over the summer, along with continuing his basic
studies requirements. K planned to attend a skateboarding tourna-
ment over the summer. He found out through the career center’s
internship office that one of the major sponsors for skateboard tour-
naments offers an internship for persons with coursework in com-
puter science. K was excited to learn that he could apply directly to
the company on-line. He used the career center’s Web site resources
for help in developing a résumé (Execution), which he brought in to
Eva for a critique. K has not entirely ruled out architecture as an
option and is including coursework that would meet the prerequisite
requirements for this field. K said he was glad he had sought help at
the career center. He appreciated the fact that the process Eva used
gave him the freedom to use his own style in helping resolve his
career problems while providing some structure to help him see what
areas he needed to focus on and strategies for getting the informa-
tion he needed. K expressed confidence in being able to use what he
had learned through this process for future career decisions.

The Case of E

Initial Interview.E was referred to the career center by the group
leader for her career exploration class. She was encouraged to con-
tinue working with the center in light of the fact that she had made
very little progress with respect to her career choices after complet-
ing activities for the career class. E indicated that she was frustrated
about this whole process of choosing an occupation. She indicated
that she had so many interests that it was hard to settle on one
choice and that was partly the reason she had chosen to double
major. E had used the career center to complete assignments for the
career class but had become overwhelmed by all the information

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