that was available. She brought with her the SDS results from her
career planning class and a copy of her transcript.
Preliminary Assessment. As part of a comprehensive screening
process in the CIP approach, E would also be asked to complete the
CTI. Hypothesizing about E’s CTI scores, we would suspect that she
would have moderately elevated levels of DMC and CA and a
lower level of EC. The elevated level of CA would not be surpris-
ing, given E’s good academic record and lack of knowledge about
specific occupations. A concern is that, despite having the oppor-
tunity to complete a number of self-assessments as part of the career
class and completing several occupational research activities, E has
been unable to translate her self-knowledge into a manageable list
of occupational alternatives. From a CIP perspective, she is unable
to make the transition from the Synthesis phase to Valuing. A pos-
itive sign is that E’s top two scores on the SDS are consistent with
her occupational daydreams, which have a summary of ESA, as well
as the important values she wants to satisfy in her job role, concern
for others, and financial prosperity. It would also be important to
review E’s scores on each of the SDS scales to see how the high
point code for each might have differed.
E’s Artistic and Investigative scores were not provided. The rel-
ative closeness of these two types to her top three scores would be
important to examine, given the presence of Artistic and Investi-
gative codes in her daydream codes and the fact that she could be
classified as an undecided multipotential individual. E may lack dif-
ferentiation in her SDS profile, which further illustrates why she is
feeling overwhelmed with options. One difficulty for E is that her
Holland code results presented her with many more options, and she
lacked an effective schema for narrowing (Synthesis-Crystallization)
down those options.
The career adviser discussed with E her choice of history (SEI)
and religion (SAE) as majors. E said that her main reasons for
choosing these was she thought they would be good preparation for