Atheism And Theism - Blackwell - Philosophy

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Index 263

existence of knowable by reason, 4,
47, 79–80, 127–8, 134–5, 147–8,
189, 191, 244
existence of not logically necessary, 35
impassibility of, 129–31, 133, 136,
162, 240
interested in morality, 202
mysterious ways of, 65, 108, 127,
155, 210 –12
nature of not knowable by reason,
127–9, 147, 182–4
needs designer?, 23–4, 209
not cause of self, 242
omnipotence of, 51, 60 –2, 64–5,
perfection of, 130, 198–9, 202, 205
preconceived idea of, 127, 129, 205
presence of sensed, 44, 46
properties of, 3, 8, 33, 48, 59–60, 79,
122, 126, 129–33, 137–8, 142,
160, 162–4, 171, 183, 198–202,
205–7, 241, 243–4
properties of, identical, 132–3, 162,
164, 243
simplicity of, 22–4, 29, 129–33, 136,
160, 162, 164, 240 –1, 243–4
golden mountain, 199
good, as explanation, 26, 30 –1, 216
Gospel, Matthew, 57, 142
Mark, 55, 57–8, 185–6, 188
Luke, 57–8, 185, 187, 191
John, 104 –5, 148, 182–5, 229
Gospels, history of, 56–7, 184–9
grace, 43, 47, 143, 190 –1, 202, 213
grand universal theory, 23, 164, 215–16
‘Graphico’, imaginary artist, 78
Gribbin, J., 9
Guth, A.H., 20
Gödel, K., 207

Haldane, J.B.S., 17
Hartle, J., 36
Hawking, S., 15, 23, 36, 160
Haydn, J., 8
Hazen, A., 41

headless woman illusion, 158
heaven, 47–8
Hegel, G.W.F., 235
Heidegger, M., 32, 235, 247
Heisenberg, W., 36
hell, 25, 47–8, 202, 213
Heraclitus, 3
Herodotus, 55
Hick, J., 68, 217
Hindu philosophy, 14, 65–6, 212
historical methods, 52, 54–9, 184 –8
Hobart, R.E., 62, 166
Holsten, C., 55
homuncular regress, 93–4, 105, 156
Hopkins, G.M., 183
Hoyle, F., 16, 23, 226
Hubble, E., 66
Hughes, G.E., 69, 208
human agency, 141
human life, goal of, 141, 189–91
humanity, mechanist view of, 11
nature of, 56, 96–7, 108, 116, 140 –1,
145–6, 173–4, 227, 229, 231,
244 –8
Hume, D., 22–3, 46, 50, 52–3, 55–6,
77, 123–5, 146, 163, 218

identity, 131–3
identityversus composition, 178
identity theory of mind, 97–8, 227
illusion, 14, 44, 65
image of God, 104, 116, 189, 191, 240,
in act/in potency, 130 –1, 235
Incarnation, 68, 143–4, 148, 182–3,
incarnation, elsewhere, 25, 68
indeterminacy, 36, 62–3, 114 –15,
125–6, 144 –5
of translation, 169n.
infinities, 21, 47–8, 65, 68, 113–14,
122–3, 160, 211, 231
innatism, 102–3, 105, 228, 230
intellect, passive and active, 103–4, 190
intelligible, making, 121
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