264 Index
intensionality, 34–5, 156–7, 172,
174 –5, 229–30, 247
as attitudes to sentences, 34–5,
156–7, 172, 174
intentionality, 93–4, 97, 99, 101, 121,
127, 155–7, 172, 179, 195, 235–6
interpretation, 97, 101, 174 –5, 227
Israeli, Isaac, 189
James, W., 43–4, 47–51, 234 –5
Jerusalem, destruction of, 58, 188
Jesus, life of, 57–8, 66, 80, 185–8, 215
nature of, 54 –6, 79, 86, 143, 148,
183, 186–7, 217
resurrection of, 56–9, 80, 187, 228
Joan of Arc, 45
Josephus, 185
Julius Caesar, 204
Kant, I., 1–3, 64, 80, 134, 218, 235
Kelvin, Lord, 9–11
Kenny, A., 222
Kirk, R., 158
Kneale, W. and M., 42–3
knowing in creating, 239
knowledgea priori, 107
knowledge of world, x, 7, 12, 82–3, 95,
114, 116, 134, 148, 173, 175, 194,
218–19, 232–4
Kripke, S., 203–4, 243
Kuhn, T., 6, 12
La Place, P., 67, 152
language, origin of, 229–30
laws of nature, 13, 21, 24, 26, 28,
37, 45, 50 –4, 61, 69–70, 82, 91,
109–13, 135, 144 –5, 160, 163–5,
175, 205, 208, 210, 218, 241
Leibniz, G., 165
Leslie, J., 7, 14, 19, 23, 26–32, 43, 68,
201, 212–13, 216
Lewis, C.I., 202–3
Lewis, C.S., 68
Lewis, D.K., 38, 41, 157, 201–2
liberty of indifference, 144
life, nature of, 90, 139–41, 225
origin of, 10, 13, 16–19, 66–8, 70,
89–91, 107, 115, 152–3, 155, 171,
178, 214–15, 224 –6
Linde, A., 20 –1, 210
linguistic community, 102–5, 228–30
Locke, J., 235
logos, 105, 182–3, 229
Löwenheim–Skolem theorem, 38
Mackie, J.L., 7
maladaptation, 11, 13, 60, 62, 68–9, 91,
Manson, N.A., 211
many universes hypothesis, 17–21,
25–6, 33, 38, 68, 70, 111–15, 163,
165–6, 202, 210
merelyad hoc, 113–15, 210
Mascall, E.L., 68
materialism, 8–10, 82, 90 –1, 96–8,
101–2, 106, 155–7, 173, 213,
versus physicalism, 10
possible flaws in, 82, 101–2, 106–8,
116, 151
mathematical necessity, 41–2
mathematical propositions empty, 38–9
mathematics, distinct from logic, 39,
204, 206–7
matter (see also form), 9–10, 12, 131
maximal properties, 33, 199–203, 205
Maxwell, J. Clark, 9
meaning, as interpretation, 174–5
causal theories of, 174
mechanism, 13, 88–9, 91, 95, 108–9,
156, 167
not incompatible with teleology, 13,
mental states identified by sentences,
93, 157
mental terms, 85, 98
Mercury, precession of, 53, 56
metaphysical realism, x, 3–4, 6, 77–8,
111, 124, 126, 151, 194 –7,
217–18, 232–5, 237, 239