Atheism And Theism - Blackwell - Philosophy

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Index 265

methodology, 4, 6–7, 20, 69, 80–3,
94 –5, 151–3, 155, 162, 171–3,
182, 194, 216
microstructures, 12, 88, 90, 110, 144,
153–5, 161
mind and matter, 96–101, 227
mind, disembodied, 25–7, 29, 62, 80,
165, 189
distinct category, 98–9
identical with brain states, 26, 97–9,
156–8, 166–7, 181, 217, 227
origin of, 89, 93, 101–2, 105–7, 109,
115, 121, 171, 178–9, 189
powers of, 103–4, 106, 109, 115–16,
134, 140 –1, 145, 158, 172, 174,
179, 181, 191, 227, 231–2, 241
value of, 24 –6
mind-dependent classification, 78
miracles, 45–6, 51–6, 58–9, 146–8,
188, 190, 207, 214 –15, 219
as contradictions, 51, 146
as significant, 52, 54, 56
evidence for, 52–4
explaining away, 52–4
not interventions, 147
purpose of, 52
modal logic, 198, 201–4
modal realism, 38, 157, 201–2
modality, 38, 162, 172, 199–204, 241
minimalist, 199, 201, 208–9, 211
models, 201–2, 209
Moore, G.E., 29–30
moral improvement, 44
moral perfection, can it be guaranteed?,
62, 64, 141, 166, 180
multiple realizability, 97, 156–7
mutations, 91
mysticism, 32, 44 –5

Napoleon, 56
natural kind terms, 233, 243
natural selection, 11, 13, 23, 59–60, 62,
66–7, 69, 83–4, 89, 91–2, 156,
158–9, 165, 171, 178, 210, 212,
214 –15, 218, 224 –5

naturalism as preconception, 44 –6,
51–2, 54, 57–8, 82, 98–9, 151–3,
155, 158, 166–7, 171, 173, 179,
213–15, 218
naturalist conjectures preferable to
theism, 152–3, 155
natures of things, 77–8, 82, 84 –5, 88,
107, 115, 131–3, 153, 175–6, 181,
183, 190, 195
necessary being, 33, 35–42, 69, 118–19,
121–2, 135, 160 –3, 199, 205, 207,
209, 234, 241–3
necessary conditions of existence,
109–11, 114 –15, 118, 122
necessary truth, 30, 201
‘necessary’, distinct from ‘analytic’, 243
sense of, 35, 37, 161–3, 198–9, 205,
208–9, 241–2
necessity, 69, 162
de re and de dicto, 135, 242–4
and possibility, 135, 203–4, 206, 208,
by convention, 207–8
logical, 35, 37–8, 61, 199, 205–6,
208, 241
minimalist, 208–9
understood as contextual, 37–8, 241
neurons, operation of, 10, 17, 30, 40,
42, 44 –5, 59, 62–3, 94, 97, 145,
156, 158, 166–8, 182
Newman, Cardinal, 190
Newton, I., 152
Nineham, D., 55
non-Christian theism/religions, 8, 28,
45, 47, 54, 66, 127, 183–4
non-natural properties, 29–30
non-physical perception, 9, 29–30,
39–40, 42, 44, 51, 184, 208–9,
non-scientific knowing, 76
normality, assumptions of, 52, 55–6, 58,
95, 145, 162, 211
numbers, existence of, 10, 37–42, 173,
200, 207–9, 241–2
relations between, 26
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