Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

Aberration, chromosome, 231
Absorbed dose, 208–222, 271–272
annual limit on intake (ALI), 272
committed dose equivalent,
271, 303
cumulated activity, 213
cumulative dose, 212–216
deep-dose equivalent, 271
dose rate, 211–212
effective dose, 220–222
effective dose equivalent, 220–222
shallow-dose equivalent, 271, 306
SI unit, 216–217
total effective dose equivalent,
radiation weighting factor, 209–210,
tissue weighting factor, 271
absorbed fraction, 212
Acceptance angle in PET, 188
Accuracy, 34, 302
Activity, 21, 26
radioactivity, 21
units of, 26
Acute effects of total body irradiation,
Agreement states, 268
ALARA, program, 274
Alpha (a) decay, 14–15
Aluminum breakthrough test, 54
Analog-to-digital converter (ADC),
Anger scintillation camera, see Gamma

Annihilation radiations, 18, 92, 302
coincidence detections in PET, 182,
escape peaks, 92
Annual limit on intake (ALI), 272
Antineutrino, 15
Atom, 3
binding energy of electron of, 5
composition of, 3
electronic structure of, 3–5
structure of the nucleus of, 6–7
Atomic mass unit, 3, 302
Atomic number, 6, 302
Attenuation of g-radiations, 64–68
half value layer, 65–68
linear attenuation coefficient, 64–67
mass attenuation coefficient, 65
in PET, 197–199
in SPECT, 171–175
tenth value layer, 67
Auger electron, 14, 302
Auger process, 14
Authorized user, 288
Avalanche ionization, 73
Average value, 35
Avogradro’s number, 24, 50, 302

Backprojection in tomography, 156–166
filtered backprojection, 159–166
in PET, 196
in SPECT, 156–166
simple backprojection, 156–158
Backscatter peak, 91
Backscattering of g-rays, 62



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