310 Index
Committed dose equivalent, 271, 303
Compton edge, 90
Compton electron, 62
Compton plateau, 90
Compton scattering, 62–63, 303
Compton valley, 90
Computers, 139–152
bit, 139–140
byte, 140
central processing unit, 140–141
computer memory, 141
digital data acquisition, 144–146
frame mode, 145
list mode, 145
digital images, 143–144
digital-to-analog conversion, 143
digitization of analog data, 142–143
display, 148–149
dynamic study, 146–147
external storage devices, 141
gated study, 147
input/output devices, 141–142
PACS, 150–152
polar images, 149
software, 149–150
static study, 146
word, 140
Confidence level in statistics, 36
Contrast, image, 132–133
effect of noise, 133
patient motion and, 133
scatter radiations and, 133
Control rods, reactor, 46
Converging collimator, 111
Conversion electron,seeInternal
Convolution method in image
reconstruction, 159–160
Counting, statistics of,seeStatistics of
Counting of radioactivity, 88
differential, 88
integral, 88
Cross section in nuclear reaction, 50,
CT scanners, 170–171
quality control tests of, 179–180
Cumulated activity in dosimetry, 213
Curie (Ci), 26, 303
Cyclotron, 44–46
cyclotron-produced radionuclides,
equation for production of
radionuclides, 49–51
targets, 49
Dead time, 99–101, 303
GM counters, 99
loss, 99
in nonparalyzable systems, 100–101
in paralyzable systems, 100–101
pulse pileup, 99, 132
gamma cameras, 132
Decay constant, 21, 303
Decay of radionuclides, 11–20
alpha (a), 14–15
beta minus (b−), 15–17
electron capture, 19–20
equations, 21–25, 29–32
general, 21–25
successive, 29–32
half-life, 22–25
isomeric transition (IT), 12–14
mean life, 25
positron (b+), 17–18
scheme, 15
secular equilibrium, 32
spontaneous fission, 11
successive decay, 29–32
transient equilibrium, 30–31
Decay scheme of radionuclide, 15
Deep-dose equivalent, 271, 303
Delta rays, 56
Deoxyribonucleic acid, 226–231
Department of Transportation, 293
Detection efficiency, 96–99
geometric efficiency, 97–99
intrinsic efficiency, 97
photopeak efficiency or
photofraction, 97
Detectors, 81–85
bismuth germanate (BGO), 82
cadmium-zinc-telluride (CZT), 85
cesium iodide (CsI), 85
gadolinium oxyothosilicate (GSO),
gas-filled, 71–80