Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

312 Index

Escape peak
double, 92
iodine, 91–92
single, 92
Excitation of atoms, 5, 56
Excited states, 12
Exponential decay, 22
Exposure rate constants, 275
Exposure rate, survey of, 287
External storage devices in computers,


(^18) F (Fluorine-18), 48
Fetus, effects of radiation on, 255–256
Film badge for personnel monitoring,
Filter, ramp, in computed tomography,
Filtered backprojection, 159–166
Fission, 46–47
and radionuclide production, 47
spontaneous, 11
Fluorescence yield, 14
Forces, nuclear, 7
Fourier method in image
reconstruction, 160–166
Frame mode of data acquisition,
Free radical, 236–237, 304
Frequency of electromagnetic
radiation, 2
Frequency domain, 160
Full width at half maximum (FWHM),
95–96, 121, 124
(^67) Ga (Gallium-67), 48
(^68) Ga (Gallium-68), 48
Gain, amplification, 87
Gamma cameras, 108–117
digital camera, 115–116
performance parameters, 118–138
quality control tests, 133–136
solid state digital camera, 116
tomography with, 153
Gamma camera tuning, 131
Gamma ray emission, 12
Gamma well counter, 101–104
Gas-filled detectors, 71–80
amplification, 71
ionization chambers, 74–77
Cutie pie survey meter, 74
dose calibrator, 74–77
pocket dosimeter, 77
Geiger-Müller counter, 77–79
Geiger region, 73
proportional region, 73
region of continuous discharge, 74
region of limited proportionality,
region of recombination, 71
region of saturation, 71
Gastrointestinal syndrome, 248
Gaussian distribution, 35–36
Geiger-Müller (GM) counters, 77–79
avalanche, 73, 77
counting efficiency, 79
dead time, 79
quenching in, 77–78
General domestic licenses, 270
Generators, radionuclide, 51–54, 304
aluminum breakthrough, 54
(^99) Mo-99mTc generator, 53–54
molybdenum breakthrough, 54
Genetic effects of radiation, 256–258
doubling dose, 256–257
genetically significant dose,
spontaneous mutations, 256
Geometric efficiency, 97–99, 128–129
in photopeak detection, 97–99
in scintillation counter, 128–129
Germanium and silicon detectors,
Gray (Gy), 209, 304
(^3) H (Tritium), 48
Half-life, in radioactive decay, 22–25,
biological, 25, 303
definition, 22
effective, 25, 303
physical, 25, 305
Half-value layer (HVL), 65–67, 304
Hemopoietic syndrome, 247–248
High count rates, effects of, 132

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