Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1
Index 313

Hospital Information System (HIS),
Hybrid gamma camera, 191


(^123) I (iodine-123), 48
(^124) I (iodine-124), 48
(^125) I (iodine-125), 48
(^131) I (iodine-131), 48
decay scheme of, 16
Image distortion by converging and
diverging collimators, 111
Image reconstruction, 156–169
filtered backprojection, 159–166
iterative method, 166–169
simple backprojection, 156–158
(^111) In (indium-111), 48
decay scheme of, 19
Indirect action of radiation, 235–237
Input/output devices, 141–142
Interaction of radiations with matter,
attenuation of g-radiations, 64–69
interaction of charged particles,
interaction of g-radiations, 60–64
interaction of neutrons, 68
Internal conversion, 13–14, 304
characteristic x-ray, 14
conversion electron, 13
Internal radiation dosimetry, 208–225
absorbed fraction, 211–212
cumulated activity, 213
dose calculation, 211
dose rate, 211–212
effective dose, 220–222
effective dose equivalent, 220–222
equilibrium dose constant, 212
mean absorbed dose, 213
radiation dose in SI units, 216–217
radiation weighting factor, 209
tissue weighting factors, 221
Intrinsic efficiency, 97, 304
Intrinsic resolution of gamma camera,
118–119, 304
Iodine escape peak, 91–92
Ion, 5, 304
Ionization, 5–6, 56
by charged particles, 56
Ionization chamber, 74–77
Cutie pie survey meter, 74
dose calibrator, 74–77
pocket dosimeter, 77
Ionizing radiations, 56
Isobars, 8, 304
Isomeric transition, 12–14, 305
gamma ray emission, 12
internal conversion, 13–14
Isomers, 8, 305
Isotones, 8, 305
Isotopes, 8, 305
Iterative method in image
reconstruction, 166–169
MLEM, 168–169
OSEM, 168–169
K absorption edges, 61
K shell, 3–5, 61
K shell binding energies, 5
Kerma, 209
Kinetics of radioactive decay, 21–33
Labeling of vials and syringes, 286–287
LD50/60, 247, 305
Lead shielding, 276–277
Lead x-ray peak, 90
Lethal damage in radiation biology,
Licenses, 270–271
general domestic license, 270
specific licenses, 270–271
Life-shortening effect of radiation, 254
Line of response in PET, 191
Line of stability of nuclides, 7
Line spread function (LSF), 124
Linear amplifier, 87
Linear attenuation coefficient of
photons in absorber, 65
Linear energy transfer (LET), 57–58,
definition, 57–58
effects of, in radiation biology, 242
Linear no threshold theory, 251–252
Liquid scintillation counters, 93–95
counting efficiency, 95
primary solute, 93–94

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