Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

318 Index

Radioactive packages, receiving and
monitoring, 280
Radioactive spill, 282
Radioactive waste disposal, 280–282
decay in storage, 281
incineration, 282
other disposal methods, 282
release into sewerage system, 281
transfer to authorized recipient, 281
Radiology Information System (RIS),
Radionuclide generators, 51–54

(^99) Mo-99mTc generator, 53–54
Radioprotectors, 244–245
Radiosensitivity of cells and tissues,
Radiosensitizer, 243–244
Ramp filter in computed tomography,
Random coincidences in PET, 199
Random error, 34
Ranges of charged particles in
absorber, 58–59, 306
Reactors, nuclear, 46–47
chain reaction, 46
control rod, 46
equation for production of
radionuclides, 49–51
fission, 46
moderators, 46
neutron capture reaction, 47
targets, 49
Receiving of radioactive packages,
Reconstruction, image, 156–169
backprojection, 156–166
iterative, 166–169
Recordkeeping in NRC regulations,
282, 291–292
Region of recombination in gas
ionization, 71
Relative biological effectiveness, 209,
Release of patients administered with
radiopharmaceuticals, 209–291
Rem, 209, 306
Report and notification of a dose to an
embryo/fetus or a nursing child,
Report and notification of a medical
event, 288–289
Requirement for possession of sealed
sources, 286
Restitution, 231
Restricted areas, 272
Risk of pregnant women, 259–260
Roentgen (R), 208, 306
S, mean absorbed dose, 213
(^82) Sr (strontium-82), 48
Sampling in SPECT, 176
Saturation factor in production of
radionuclides, 50
Scaled sources, requirement for
possession of, 286
Scatter radiation
Compton, 62–63
effect of, on spatial resolution, 121
in PET, 200
in SPECT, 176
Scatter resolution, 121
Scintillation detectors, 81–85
detection efficiency, 96–99
energy resolution, 95–96
geometric efficiency, 97–99
intrinsic efficiency, 99
intrinsic resolution, gamma camera,
photofraction, 97
photopeak efficiency, 97
for gamma camera, 128–129
for thyroid probe, 104
for well counter, 104
Secular equilibrium in successive
decay, 32
Semiconductor detectors, 84–85
Sensitivity, 306
in PET, 204
in scintillation camera, 128–129
in SPECT, 177
of diagnostic tests, 42
Septal penetration, 120–121
Septal thickness, 120
Sewerage disposal of radioactive waste,
Shallow dose equivalent, 271, 306
Shell model of nucleus, 6

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