
(C. Jardin) #1

Yes. And remember, this is not about doing, but about being. These attitudes are things you
are being. And as you make these statements of being consciously, rather than
unconsciously, you begin to live from intention; you begin to live deliberately. Remember, I
have suggested that you live deliberately, harmoniously, and beneficially, and I have
explained to you what it means to do so. Do you need more examples of that?

No, I think I understood that when we explored it before.

Good. But now let Me tell you a secret. Do the third, and the first two will come automatically.

Determine to live beneficially—decide that your life and work will benefit others—and you will
find yourself living deliberately and harmoniously. This will be true because to live beneficially
will cause you to live from intention, doing things deliberately and consciously, rather than
unconsciously, and will result in your living harmoniously, because that which benefits others
cannot be in disharmony with them.

Now I will give you a trio of tools with which you may be sure that your life will be lived
beneficially. These are the Core Concepts of Wholistic Living:




You are giving me a lot of meat here; a lot of material. How much longer is this teaching
going to go on?

All of your life, My friend. All of your life.

It’s never going to be over, is it? There’s never going to be a time when I can say, “I’ve got it,”
and be done with it.

There may very well be a time when you can say, “I’ve got it.” But the moment that time
arrives, you will notice that there is more to “get.” This is because the more you see, the more
you see that there is more to see.

Do you see?

And so, you will never stop the process of growing and getting. You cannot grow too big, you
cannot grow too fast, you cannot grow too much. That is not possible. You cannot finish
growing. There is no end to how big you can be.

And you do not have to worry about “getting it while the getting’s good,” because the getting
is always good. All you are getting through these teachings about Life is good for you.

And yet You have said that I have nothing to learn.

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