
(C. Jardin) #1

True teaching is not a process by which you learn, but by which you are caused to

There is nothing here that is new to you. Your soul is being startled by none of this. True
teaching is never a process of putting knowledge in, but of drawing knowledge out. The real
Master knows he has no greater knowledge than the student, only greater memory.

You said you wanted to know how to apply—in the real

world, in everyday life, as practical, functioning truth— what you have found in our
conversations to be of value.

I am suggesting ways in which you may accomplish that.

I am helping you get what you want. This is what it means

to have a friendship with God.

Thank you. Tell me, then, about the Core Concepts.

Awareness is a state of being in which you may choose to live. It means to be awake to the
moment. It is about being keenly observant about what is so, and why; about what is
occurring, and why; about what can cause it not to occur, and why; about all the possible-and
the most probable—outcomes of any choice or action, and what makes them possible and

To live in awareness is to not pretend that you do not know.

Remember, I told you that there appear to be those who know, but who pretend that they do
not know. Awareness is about being aware, and being aware that you are aware. It is about
being aware that you are aware that you are aware, and about being aware that you are
aware that you are aware that you are aware.

Awareness has many levels.

Awareness is about being aware of the level of awareness of which you are aware, and it is
about being aware that there is no level of awareness of which you cannot be aware, if you
are aware of that.

When you live a life of awareness, you no longer do things unconsciously. You cannot,
because you are aware that you are doing something unconsciously, and that, of course,
means you are doing it consciously.

It is not difficult living a life of awareness when you are aware that it is not difficult.
Awareness feeds on itself.

When you are unaware of awareness, then you cannot know what it is like. You do not even
know that you do not know. You have forgotten. You really do know, but you have forgotten
that you know, and so you might as well not know at all. That is why remembering is so

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