Arm C
QE = 1629 - 0.63Qc
= 1629 - (0.63 ¥248)
=1473 pcu/hr
The ratios of flow to capacity for each entry arm are given in Table 5.5.
130 Highway Engineering
Figure 5.27Graphical representation of entry, exit and circulating flows.
Stream Flow (pcu/hr) Capacity (pcu/hr) RFC
Arm A 619 1433 0.43
Arm B 496 1283 0.39
Arm C 1114 1473 0.76
Table 5.5RFCs for
each entry arm
All movements are below the maximum allowed RFC of 0.85. Arm A is
slightly in excess of 70% so some queuing will occur during peak travel times.
Delays will however not be significant.
5.4.4 Geometric details
The geometric guidelines for roundabout junctions are set out in TD 16/93
(DoT, 1993). While it is not proposed to go into detail on the geometric
considerations that must be addressed when designing a roundabout, the fol-
lowing are brief notes from TD 16/93 regarding design of the following main