Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1

The Five Essential Movements Progressions

By following a strict progression of bodyweight
exercises, you can progress towards ever more
difficult movements, getting all the resistance you
need to achieve 95% of your genetic potential and
even beyond. For example, grandma might start
with wall pushups, eventually progressing to regu-
lar pushups, whereas someone who is already fit
might start with regular pushups and progress to
plyometric pushups while wearing a weight vest.
Regardless of your fitness level, you should at-
tempt to eventually master the Essential Move-
ments of Pushup, Pullup, Squat, Overhead Press
and Plank.

Each of the Five Essential Movements has a three-
exercise progression (Levels 1–3) that will help
you build strength and eventually master the Es-
sential Movement (Level 4). There are also numer-
ous advanced bodyweight progressions beyond
essential movement mastery (Levels 5–8), and
suggestions for intensifying PBF LHT with added
weight (Level 9).

On the following pages you will find a description of
the progressions for each Essential Movement (p.
36–52). This is followed by a self-assessment (p.
53). Perform the self-assessment to learn where
you should begin in each of the five progressions.
It’s crucial that you begin at the appropriate level
and that you achieve mastery over each level
before advancing in the progression. Each PBF
LHT workout consists of two cycles. Each
cycle puts you through a set of each of the 5
Essential Movements. To advance, manage to
complete the goal reps in both of your two cycles
during your workout.


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