Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1


Take little to no breaks between reps, sets and
cycles if you are training for endurance and stam-
ina. Otherwise build your strength by following the
standard rest protocol for PBF LHT:

Rest During Sets – Try to knock out all your goal
reps in one go each cycle. If you can’t get there in
a single shot take a short break and then add to
your total. Take as few breaks as needed to get
you to your goal number. Never take more than
about three minutes for any single set, and if you’re
only adding a few seconds or a single rep to your
cumulative total after a short break then you’ve
reached the end of that set. Move on to the next
set in the cycle once you’ve either reached your
goal number or have reached the max reps you
are able to complete within a reasonable amount
of time.

Rest Between Sets – Take as much rest be-
tween each set of exercises as you need to be
able to give your next set all you’ve got and to give
yourself a shot at reaching your goal reps. I gen-
erally recommend 30 seconds to 2 minutes rest
between sets, but this depends in large part on
your fitness level. Some people might only need a
ten second breather while others may need a little
more rest before jumping to the next movement.
I wouldn’t rest much longer than two minutes for
two reasons: you’ll cool down and the workout will
become exceedingly long.

Rest Between Cycles – Similar to rest between
sets. Take as much time as you need to recover
and be able to give the second cycle your all, but
not so much time that you completely cool down.

How To: PBF LHT cont’d 58

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